John Pepper
Merrill S. Bankard Professor, Interim Chair
Office Address
Elson Hall, Room 183B
Hours: Mondays 12 - 1pm or by appointmentFields of Interest
Social Program Evaluation, Econometrics, Public Economics
Selected Publications
"How do Right-to-Carry Laws Affect Crime Rates? Coping with Ambiguity Using Bounded-Variation Assumptions,” (with Charles Manski), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2018, 100(2): 232-244.
“The Effect of Vocation Rehabilitation Services for People with Mental Illness,” (with David Dean, Robert Schmidt, and Steven Stern), Journal of Human Resources, 2017, 52(3), 826-858.
“The Effect of Vocation Rehabilitation for People with Cognitive Impairments,” (with David Dean, Robert Schmidt, and Steven Stern), International Economic Review, 2015, 56(2), 399-426.
“Identifying the Effects of SNAP (Food Stamps) on Child Health Outcomes when Participation is Endogenous and Misreported,” (with Craig Gunderson, Dean Jolliffe, and Brent Kreider), Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2012, 107:499, 958-975.
“More on Monotone Instrumental Variables” (with Charles Manski), The Econometrics Journal, 12, July 2009, S200-216.
“Disability and Employment: Reevaluating the Evidence in Light of Misreporting Errors,” (with Brent Kreider), Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102 (478), June 2007, 432-441.
“Robust Inferences for Method of Moments Estimators from Random Clustered Samples: An Application Using Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics,” Economic Letters, 75(3), June 2002, 75, 341-345.
“The Intergenerational Transmission of Welfare Receipt: A Nonparametric Bounds Analysis,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(3), August 2000, 472-88.
“Monotone Instrumental Variables: With an Application to the Returns to Schooling,” (with Charles Manski), Econometrica, 68(4), July 2000, 997-1010.