
Gayoung Ko Presents at the International IO Conference

Gayoung Ko, a sixth-year student, presented her paper, "Gender Discrimination in the Gig Economy: Evidence from Online Auctions for Freelancing," a

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Daniel Harper Presents 2 Papers at 2021 SEA Conference

Daniel Harper, a fifth-year graduate student, presented two of his papers at the Southern Economics Association conference. The first, “Behavioral

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MJ Nilayamgode and Tyler Wake present at MMC

Graduate students Tyler Wake and Mrithyunjayan (MJ) Nilayamgode attended the Midwest Macro Conference at Utah State University in Logan, Utah on Ma

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Sngidha Das presents at SEA

Snigdha Das presented her paper, "Corruption and the Golden Goose Effect in the Context of an Ink Bomb Task Experiment," which studies corrupt beha

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Yooseon Hwang presents at European UEA Conference

In April 2022, fifth-year student Yooseon Hwang presented her paper,"The Welfare Effects of Congestion Pricing," at the European Urban Economics As

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Joaquin Saldain Presents at Midwest Macroeconomics Conference

In May 2022, 6th-year student Joaquin Saldain presented his paper, "A Quantitative Model of High-Cost Consumer Credit,"  at the Midwest Macroeconom

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Eric Yde Presents at ASSA Annual Meeting

Eric Yde, a fourth-year PhD candidate, presented his paper "Regulating Vertical Relationships in Prescription Drug Markets: Evidence from Medicaid"

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