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Snigdha Das presented her paper, "Corruption and the Golden Goose Effect in the Context of an Ink Bomb Task Experiment," which studies corrupt beha
In April 2022, fifth-year student Yooseon Hwang presented her paper,"The Welfare Effects of Congestion Pricing," at the European Urban Economics As
Daniel Harper, a fifth-year graduate student, presented two of his papers at the Southern Economics Association conference. The first, “Behavioral
Gayoung Ko, a sixth-year student, presented her paper, "Gender Discrimination in the Gig Economy: Evidence from Online Auctions for Freelancing," a
Graduate students Tyler Wake and Mrithyunjayan (MJ) Nilayamgode attended the Midwest Macro Conference at Utah State University in Logan, Utah on Ma
In May 2022, 6th-year student Joaquin Saldain presented his paper, "A Quantitative Model of High-Cost Consumer Credit," at the Midwest Macroeconom
Eric Yde, a fourth-year PhD candidate, presented his paper "Regulating Vertical Relationships in Prescription Drug Markets: Evidence from Medicaid"
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Eric Leeper
Anton Korinek
Eric Young
Kerem Cosar
John McLaren
James Harrigan
Zach Bethune
Simon Anderson
Gaurab Aryal
Federico Ciliberto
Amalia Miller
Lee Lockwood
Denis Nekipelov
Sheetal Sekhri
Gaurav Chiplunkar
Leora Friedberg
Charlie Holt
Maxim Engers
Sandip Sukhtankar
Shan Aman-Rana
Sheisha Kulkarni
John Pepper
Derek Wu
Julie Holland Mortimer