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Lee Lockwood

Office Address/Hours
Elson Hall, Room 187 / On Leave
Curriculum Vitae (120.04 KB)

Fields of Interest

Public Finance, Labor Economics


B.S. Industrial Engineering and Economics, Northwestern University
M.Sc. Economics, London School of Economics
Ph.D. Economics, University of Chicago

Selected Publications

Beyond Health: Non-Health Risk and the Value of Disability Insurance
July 2022 (with Manasi Deshpande); Econometrica, 90(4): 1781-1810.

Targeting with In-Kind Transfers: Evidence from Medicaid Home Care
April 2019 (with Ethan Lieber), American Economic Review, 109 (4): 1461-1485 ; NBER working paper #24267

Incidental Bequests and the Choice to Self-Insure Late-Life Risks
September 2018; American Economic Review, 108(9): 2513-2550.; NBER working paper #20745

Government Old-Age Support and Labor Supply: Evidence from the Old Age Assistance Program
August 2018 (with Daniel Fetter); American Economic Review, 108(8): 2174-2211.
Featured in the NBER Digest, in the NBER Reporter, as the AEA Chart of the Week, and by the Institute for Policy ResearchNBER working paper #22132

Bequest Motives and the Annuity Puzzle
April 2012; Review of Economic Dynamics, 15(2): 226-243.

Geographic Variation in Health Care: The Role of Private Markets.
Spring 2010 (with Tomas Philipson, Seth Seabury, Darius Lakdawalla, and Dana Goldman)
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 325-361.