Placement History

Initial Placement Thesis Title

Anirban Chattopadhyaya

Associate, Analysis Group- Los Angeles "Competition For a New Automobile Technology and Impact of Station Build-out"

Jessica Montgomery

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor- Gatton College of Business and Economics, Department of Finance and Quantitative Methods, University of Kentucky Essays on Property Rights Institutions and Financial Inclusion

Max Schnidman

Senior Researcher, Microsoft, Office of the Chief Economist Music Ex Machina: How Spotify's Recommendations Affect Music Production
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Suchitra Akmanchi

Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office Essays on Economics of Postdoctoral Education

Jenna Blochowicz

Tenure-Track AP Iowa State University Bargaining for Exclusive Rights in Two-Sided Markets: The Case of the NFL and Broadcast channels

Yutong Chen

Tenure-Track AP- College of Business, University of Texas at Arlington Three Essays on Development Economics

Ben Chenault

Economist at ISO New England Essays on Environmental Economics of Land Use

Snigdha Das

Lecturer- Department of Economics at James Madison University Corruption Incentives, and Deterrence in Common Pool Resource Scenarios: An Experimental Approach

Mrithyunjayan Nilayamgode

James Madison University - Assistant Professor How People Borro: Properties and Interactions of Financial Instruments

Yi Ping

Postdoctoral Research Fellow ---European Research University Leverage Cycle Over the Life Cycle: A Quantitative Analysis of Endogenous Leverage and Policy Implications

Donghyun Suh

Economist, Bank of Korea Labor Market Implications of Technological Change

Tyler Wake

Tenure-Track - - Denison University (Columbus, OH) Applications of Corporate and Theoretical Finance to Questions in Macroeconomics
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Dennis Campbell

Consultant - NERA Economic Consulting An Empirical Analysis of a Two-Sided, Ad-Financed Media Platform with Targeted Advertising

Yan Chen

Economist - International Monetary Fund Essays on Financial Macroeconomics

Dan Harper

Assistant Professor - JMU The Effects of Liquidity, Information, and Beliefs in Experimental Asset Markets

Yooseon Hwang

Postdoctoral Associate - New York University at Abu Dhabi, Consultant-- World Bank

Gizem Kutlu

Lecturer - University of Bristol Essays on the Distribution of Gains from International Trade

Nan Liu

Economist - Bates White Economic Consulting Essays on the Trade War, Processing Trade and Global Value Chains

Tyler Ludwig

Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Texas, Austin

Fiorella Pizzolon

Assistant Professor- Hamilton College Monetary and Fiscal Policy and Debt Structure in Small Open Economies

Hasan Toprak

Economist - International Monetary Fund

Jiafeng Wu

Quantitative Analyst Senior - Freddie Mac Essays on Pharmaceutical Pricing and Physician Incentives
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Dony Heru Achmad Ardiansyah

Economist, Bank Indonesia Essays on Foreign Exchange Intervention

Ramiro Burga

Policy Associate, SPHERE Institute Essays on Development Economics

Geoffrey Carr

Clinical Assistant Professor, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina Macro Labor Dynamics: Aggregation and Insurance

Luan Falcao Daniel Santos

Quantitative Analyst, Freddie Mac Deadly Politics: Political Connections, Intergovernmental Transfers, and Mortality

Md Amzad Hossain

Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas, Sam M. Walton College of Business Essays on Development & Education Economics

Jaeki Jang

Economist, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade Essays on the Life-cycle Choices

Spencer Kennedy

Economist, Department of Justice Supply and Demand Influences on Teacher Qualifications

Ga Young Ko

Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Gender Discrimination in the Gig Economy

Rachel Lee

Economist, International Monetary Fund Essays on Fiscal Policy and Sovereign Default

Jaeho Lee

Economist, Bank of Korea Heterogeneity of Young and Old Individuals: Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Implications

Joaquin Saldain

Senior Economist, Bank of Canada High-Cost Consumer Credit

Grace Toufeili

Visiting Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University Essays on the Socioeconomic Impact of Migration

Brennan Williams

Senior Economist, Center for Economics, U.S. Government Accountability Office The Economic Consequences of Hurricanes
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Hanna Charankevich

Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia Bid Manipulation in Open Procurement Auctions

Brett Fischer

Postdoctoral Fellow, California Policy Lab, UC Berkeley Addressing Racial Disparities in the Classroom and the Courtroom

Ekaterina Khmelnitskaya

Assistant Professor, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia Competition and Attrition in Drug Development

Seunghyeon Lee

Economist, Bank of Korea Essays in Household Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy

Moogdho Mahzab

Postdoctoral Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University Tax-evading Politicians, Public Goods Provision and Public Health

Divya Pandey

Postdoctoral Fellow, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) Essays on Gender Inequality and Human Capital Formation

Melissa Spencer

Assistant Professor, University of Richmond The Economics of Women's Health Risks

Haruka Takayama

Assistant Professor, University at Albany (SUNY) Essays on Firms' Foreign Direct Investment Decisions
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Emily Cook

Assistant Professor, Tulane University Competing Campuses: An Equilibrium Model of the U.S. Higher Education Market

Salim Ergene

Economist, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Essays on Bailouts

Devaki Ghose

Economist, Development Economics Research Group (DECRG), World Bank Trade, Internal Migration, and Human Capital: Who Gains from India’s IT Boom?

Alex Gross

Economist; US Department of Justice, Economic Analysis Group Bargaining in the Supply Chain

Hundanol Kebede

Young Fellow, World Bank Program in Forced Displacement Essays on Road Infrastructure, Market Integration, and Development

Diego Legal-Cañisá

Research Economist, Central Bank of Paraguay Consumer Bankruptcy and Labor Market Policies

Miguel Mascarua

Economist, Central Bank of Mexico The Macroeconomic Consequences of Illegal Behavior

Megan Miller

Economist, Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Economics Essays on Health Policy

Niveditha Prabakaran

Assistant Professor, Estonian Business School Rural Perspectives in a Global Economy

Liu Siying

Economist, Amazon Entry Decisions and Incumbents' Responses: Evidence from the Outpatient Surgery Market

Taheya Tarannum

Researcher, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological & Economic Change, University of Oxford Essays on Labor and Health Economics: The Effect of Amazon Warehouses on Employment and Housing and the Effect of Managed Care for Long-Term Care
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Wenqiang (Robin) Cai

Tax Transfer Pricing Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Three Essays on Retirement Policy

Ben Hamilton

Assistant Professor, James Madison University Essays on Firm Learning and Trade Dynamics

Pingyu He

Research Scientist, Facebook Essays on Globalization and Labor Markets

Dajun Lin

Economic Researcher, American Institutes for Research Multi-Dimensional Abilities, Task Content of Occupations and Career Choices: A Dynamic Analysis

Daniel Savelle

Postdoc, University of Mannheim Transparency and Search Markets

Cailin Slattery

Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia Graduate School of Business State Competition in the Market for Firms

Zach Sullivan

Economist, Federal Trade Commission in the Bureau of Economics Financial Incentives for Low-Income College Students: Effects on College Choice and Early-Career Decisions

Abiy Teshome

Associate, Analysis Group Essays on the Logistics of International Trade

Ia Vardishvili

Assistant Professor, Auburn University Entrant Demographics, Option Value of Delay, and Business Cycles

Xin Xue

Quantitative Modeler, US Bank Essays on Agency Costs of Financial Intermediation
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Selcen Cakir

Assistant Professor, Boğaziçi University "Party Formation in Parliamentary Democracies"

Nick Embrey

Economist with Fannie Mae "Essays on Macroeconomics and Labor Markets"

Guillermo Hausmann Guil

Senior Economist, Bank of Lithuania "Essays on the Great Recession and the Austerity Period"

Elliott Isaac

Assistant Professor, Tulane University "The Tax Treatment of Marriage and its Impact on Family Formation and Labor Supply"

Ben Leyden

Assistant Professor, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University "There’s an App (Update) for That: A Structural Model of Product Updating under Digitization"

Gao Meng

Associate, Analysis Group, Inc. "Essays on International Capital Flows "

Allison Oldham Luedtke

Assistant Professor, Saint Michael's College "Endogenous Network Formation: Theory and Application"

Aaron Phipps

Assistant Professor, U.S. Military Academy, West Point Contract Theory in Complex Environments: Theory and Evidence on Effective Teacher Performance Incentives"

Meltem Poyraz

Assistant Professor, Boğaziçi University "The Effect of Volatility on the Labor Market"

Jeffrey Schafer

Associate Analyst, Congressional Budget Office “Asset Pricing in a Production Economy”

Yanchi Yu

Associate with Cornerstone Research "Market Structure and Product Pricing Dynamics: Evidence from the U.S. Brewing Industry"

Liu Yubo

Economist, Welch Consulting "Essays on the Labor Market Effects of Globalization"

Gang Zhang

Assistant Professor, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business "Essays on Great Recession and Financial Interconnection"

Zhe (Albert) Zhu

Assistant Professor, Wayne State University "Essays on Income Inequality and Structural Transformation"
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Woo Jin Choi

Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute (KDI) Essays in Open Macroeconomics and Exchange Rates

Murat Demirci

Assistant Professor, Koç University The Impact of High-Skilled Immigrants on the Career Outcomes of Natives

Ilhan Guner

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Macroeconomics, University of Kent Essays in Macroeconomics

Dina Guo

Quantitative Analyst Senior, PNC Bank Happy Together or Home Alone: A Structural Model of the Role of Health Insurance in Household Joint Retirement

Fang Guo

Associate, Cornerstone Research Hospital Infant Formula Discharge Packages: A Blessing Or A Curse?

Xiaohui (Ivy) Huang

Economist, Microsoft Corporation Productivity, Model Uncertainty, Home Production, and the New Home Sales Price in the U.S.

William (Bill) Johnson

Senior Researcher, Health Care Cost Institute Essays on the Effects of Health Insurer and Health Care Provider Organization on Patient Treatments

Michael LaForest

Research Director, Crime Lab New York (UChicago Urban Labs) The Effects of High School Career and Technical Education for Non-College Bound Students

Brett Lissenden

Research Economist, RTI (Research Triangle Institute) International Essays on Private Health Insurance in Public Programs

Jorge Miranda-Pinto

Lecturer (Assistant Professor), University of Queensland Production Networks and Aggregate Fluctuations: Evidence, Theory, and Policy

Nathaniel Pattison

Assistant Professor, Southern Methodist University Essays on Consumer Credit Markets and Debtor Protections
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Vahid Gholampor

Assistant Professor, Bucknell University Information Asymmetry and Expectations About Returns

Tianying He

Senior, Ernst & Young LLP Essays on Income Taxation

Brendan LaCerda

Economist, Moody's Analytics Too Much Information: Health Insurance Choice and the Affordable Care Act

Scott Laughery

Associate Analyst, Congressional Budget Office Essays on the Production of Primary Health Care

Tianshu Li

Assistant Professor, Institute of Urban Development, Nanjing Audit University Essays on Sustainability and Poverty

Yohei Okawa

Economist, World Bank Essays on International Portfolio Choice

Danila Pankov

Economist, New York City Independent Budget Office The Effects of Sales Tax on Retailers' Employment and Prices: Evidence from Tax Exemptions

Carlos Pulido Hernandez

Clinical Assistant Professor, Arizona State University Essays on International Economics

Ce (Matthew) Shi

Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong Catching Exclusive Eyeballs: Multi-Homing and Platform Competition in the Magazine Industry

Zhou (Jo) Zhang

Economist, Amazon Swiftboating: Misleading Advertising in Presidential Elections

Li (Chris) Zhang

Research Associate, IMPAQ International Essays on Household Consumption and Spending Behavior
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Catherine Alford

Associate, The Analysis Group High Today vs Lows Tomorrow: Substance Use, Education, and Employment Choices of Young Men

Andrew Barr

Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University Fighting for Education: Financial Aid and Non-traditional Students

Renzo Castellares

Research Economist, Central Bank of Peru Essays in International Economics

Bingbing Dong

Assistant Professor, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing Asset Pricing, Monetary Policies, and the Zero Lower Bound

Sherry Forbes

Social Scientist, Giant Oak Essays in Economics

Everett (Rett) Grant

Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Exposure to International Crises: Trade vs Financial Contagion

Jiao Hu

Research Associate, Moody's Analytics Optimal Government Debt with Consumer Bankruptcy

Amanda Kurzendoerfer

Economist, Bates White Economic Consulting Essays in International Trade

Ignacio Martinez

Economist, Mathematica MOOCs as a Massive Research Laboratory

Heidi Schramm

Economist, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress Essays on Taxation, Formal Sector Work, and Social Insurance in Mexico

Alex Smith

Assistant Professor, U.S. Military Academy, West Point Essays on the Economics of Education

Jieran Wu

Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University, China Dispersed Information, Excess Volatility, and Business Cycles
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Ismail Baydur

Assistant Professor, ADA University, Baku, Azerbaijan Worker Selection, Hiring, and Vacancies

Felipe Benguria

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky Essays in International Economics

Jonathan Eggleston

Economist, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics, Division, U.S. Census Bureau Spousal Labor Supply and Unemployment: Estimates from a Household Search Model

Raju Huidrom

Research Economist, Development Prospects Group, The World Bank Essays on Macro-Financial Linkages and Monetary Policy

Haiyan Liu

Assistant Professor, University of South Florida A Structural Model of Advertising Signaling and Social Learning: The Case of the Motion Picture Industry

L. Patten Mahler

Assistant Professor, Centre College, KY Three Essays on Teacher Labor Markets

Charles Murry

Assistant Professor, Penn State University Advertising in Vertical Relationships: An Equilibrium Model of the Automobile Industry

Asli Senkal

Assistant Professor, TOBB-University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey Essays on Institutional Frictions and Misallocation

Huzeyfe Torun

Economist, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Policy Impacts of Early Labor Market Outcomes

Sarah Tulman

Research Agricultural Economist, Economic Research Service, USDA Altruism (?) in the Presence of Costly Voting: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Stephen Bruestle

Research Economist, Federal Housing Finance Agency Targeted Advertising in the Information Age

Christopher Clapp

Assistant Professor, Florida State University Should My Car Move or Should We? An Intra-Household Model of Residential Commuting Choices

Sisr Debnath

Assistant Professor, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad Three Empirical Essays on Development Economics in India

Stephanie Demperio

Consultant, Antitrust and Intellectual Property, NERA Cigarette Taxes, Smoking Bans, and Smoking Behavior

Daniel Fried

Analyst, Congressional Budget Office Inflation, Default, and the Currency Composition of Foreign Debt

Parth Havnurkar

Economist, Federal Housing Finance Agency Three Essays on Structural Macroeconomics

Jeffrey Hulbert

Associate, The Analysis Group Three Essays on Health Insurance

Mariusz Kolczykiewicz

Senior Policy Associate, Acumen Marriage Markets, Timing of First Marriage, and Child Outcomes

Michael Schreck

Associate, The Analysis Group Voluntary Contribution Behavior in Social Giving Environments: Experiments in the Lab and Field

Sean Sullivan

Antitrust Attorney, Federal Trade Commission An Experimental Study of Settlement Delay in Pre-trial Bargaining with Asymmetric Information
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Aaron Butz

Economist, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress Do Higher Order Approximations Help Identify Structural Parameters?

Moonjung Choi

The World Bank Export Prices and Market Access of Exporting Countries: Theories and Evidence

Elizabeth Cubbage

Senior Analytical Consultant, SAS Institute Financial Deregulation and the Great Moderation

Dusan Curcic

Digonex Consumer Overconfidence and the Choice of Cell Phone Plans

Erin Dunlop

American Institutes for Research (AIR) Community Colleges and Educational Attainment: The Impact of Financial Aid and College Quality

Xiaohuan Lan

Cheong Kong Graduate School of Business, Beijing, China Essays in Labor and Development Economics

Paul Landefeld

Economist, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress The Role of Transportation Costs in Trade and Wages

Vu Le

Virginia Retirement System Essays on Global Asset Allocation

Xiangjun (April) Ma

Assistant Professor, School of International Trade and Economics (SITE), University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing,China Organizational Boundaries, Transfer Prices and Export Prices of International Firms: Theories and Firm-Level Evidence

Supbhawong (Sav) Vichaphund

National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Royal Thai Government Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics

Ruwei Wang

Senior Data Analyst, Capital One Disability Insurance in General Equilibrium

Nan (Tony) Zhang

Department of Finance, City of New York Productivity and Labor Market Effects of Offshoring to Low-Wage Countries

Yiyi (Lily) Zhou

Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University (SUNY) Bayesian Estimation of a Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Pricing and Entry in Two-Sided Markets: Application to Video Games
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Marianne Corbishley

Economist, Federal Housing Finance Agency For the Love of Shrink Wrap: A Structural Empirical Analysis of Bundling in the College Textbook Market

Shushanik Hakobyan

Visiting Assistant Professor, Middlebury College, VT Essays on U.S. Trade Preference Programs

Gihoon Hong

Assistant Professor, Indiana University at South Bend U.S. and Domestic Migration Decisions of Mexican Workers

Kang Jian

Bank of America A Structural Equilibrium Model of Airline Dynamic Pricing Under Fixed Capacity

Daniel Mackay

Visiting Instructor of Economics, University of Richmond, VA Estimating the Impact of Investment Tax Credits on Aircraft Demand

Svetlana Pashchenko

Assistant Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden Three Essays on Insurance Markets
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Altantsetseg (Alta) Batchuluun

Associate Professor, National University of Mongolia Implications of Rational Inattention for Labor Supply and Portfolio Choice

Carlos Espina

Deloitte Three Essays on Corporate Taxation and Aggregation Under Firm Heterogeneity

Adam Hyde

Visiting Professor, Schools of Business, Wake Forest University, NC A Structural Model of Obstetrician Location and Treatment Decisions

Gregory Jachno

Federal Housing Finance Agency, Risk Analysis and Research Group Mortgage Pricing, Multiple Risk Factors, and the Mortgage Default Option

Soyoung Lee

Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) Essays on Limited Asset Market Participation Model

Susmita Roy

Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand (post-doc)

Giandomenico Sarolli

Assistant Professor of Economics, Drew University, NJ Adjusting the Volume: Essays on Asset Trading Volume

Xuan Tam

Cambridge University, Judge Business School, CFAP (post-doc) Essays on Unsecured Credit Markets

Shuna Wang

Fannie Mae Reputation and Entry Deterrence: A Structural Empirical Model of Fighting Brands in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Market
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Daniel Becker

Federal Trade Commission Non-Wage Job Characteristics and the Case of the Missing Margin

Daniel Carroll

Federal Reserve Bank Three Essays on the Political Economy of Progressive Income Taxation

Eric Fesselmeyer

Post-doctoral Fellow, National University of Singapore, Department of Economics A Structural Learning Model of Retail Product Select with Information Spillovers

Sarah Hastedt

Research Scientist, National Center for Education Statistics Essays on the Economics of Education

Tarun Jain

Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad Institutions and Incentives in Developing Countries

Jura Liaukonyte

Assistant Professor, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University Empirical Models of Advertising Content

Young-Joon Park

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) Essays on Household Finance and Macroeconomy

Ponpoje (Poe) Porapakkarm

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Macau University,Taipa, Macau Three Essays on Incomplete Information in Macroeconomics

Uma Radhakrishnan

Center for Economic Studies, US Census Bureau A Dynamic Structural Model of Contraceptive Use and Employment Sector Choice For Women in Indonesia

Bo Sun

Federal Reserve Board Asset Returns and Executive Compensation Under Earnings Management

Olesia Verchenko

Assistant Professor, Kyiv School of Economic Empirical Tests of Option Pricing Model

Jonathan Williams

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia Excess Capacity, Exclusionary Behavior, and Welfare: A Dynamic Model of Competition in the Airline Industry
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Juan Carlos Bisso

NERA - National Economic Research Associates, Madrid Three Essays on the Economic Incentives of Law and Contracts

AJ Bostian

Post-doctoral Fellow, University of New South Wales, Australian School of Business, Center for Energy & Environmental Markets Essays on Learning and Utility in Two Experiments

Maria Fitzpatrick

Post-doctoral Fellow, Stanford University, Institute for Economic Policy Research Early Start: The Economics of Early Childhood Education

Masahiro Kodama

Institute of Developing Economies, Japan Essays on International Risk Sharing and Consumption Fluctuations in Developing Countries

Kien T. Le

University of Virginia, Weldon-Cooper Center Essays on the Agricultural Household Model and Applied Econometrics

Angela Moore Smith

Assistant Professor of Economics, James Madison University, VA An Experimental Study of Exclusive Contracts

Jing Yin

PriceWaterhouseCoopers Esays on Dynamic Macroeconomics

Oleksandr Zhylyevskyy

Assistant Professor of Economics, Iowa State University A Bad Peace or a Good War: A Structural Estimation Model of Spousal Conflict and Divorce
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Kyungsoo Cha

Korea Energy Economic Institute (KEEI) Understanding the Effects of Stochastic Fiscal Policy Shocks on Business Cycle Fluctuations

Scott E. Davis

CNA Corporation A Structural Model of the Effects of Housing Vouchers on Housing Consumption and Labor Supply

Jose M. Fernandez

Assistant Professor, College of Business, University of Louisville, KY A Dynamic Empirical Model of Patient Learning and Experimentation Using Clinical Trial Data

Chunwei Lai

Hong Kong Polytechnic University Essays on International Trade and Human Capital

Catherine Tyler Mooney

University of Oklahoma Market Power in the Media: A Structural Empirical Analysis of the Radio Broadcasting Industry, 1998-2003

Richard Nelson

University of Utah Is the Best Offense a Good Defense? Theory and Evidence of Trade-Induced Defensive Innovation in Developing Countries

Panayiotis Pourpourides

Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales Essays on Wages and Wage Inequality Over the Business Cycle

Marc Santugini

HEC Montreal, Institute of Applied Economics Observational Learning in the Motion Picture Market

Sarah Simmons

Rhodes College, TN Welfare (to School?) to Work: How Welfare Reform Affects Collegiate Attainment
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Naoko Akashi

California State University, Fullerton The Effects of Insurers' Hospital Choice Restrictions on the Demand for Health Care

Erhan Artuc

Koc University, Turkey Essays on Trade Policy and Labor Mobility

Keith Brand

US Federal Trade Commission A Structural Model of Health Insurance Choice and Health Care Demand in the Medicare Managed Care Program

Paul Carrillo

George Washington University An Equilibrium Search Model for Buyers and Sellers and an Empirical Application for the Real Estate Market

Levent Celik

CERGE-EI Essays on the Economics of Informative Advertising with Applications to the Television Industry

Ufuk Devrim Demirel

University of Colorado at Boulder Essays on Macroeconomic Policies and Stabilization

Sangyeon Hwang

Samsung Economic Research Institute Essays on Exchange Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy

Jayani Jayawardhana

Center for Health Economic and Policy Studies, Medical University of South Carolina Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Welfare: A Structural Model of Consumers and Firms in the Market for Prescription Drugs

Bilgehan Karabay

Central Bank of Turkey Essays on International Trade and Political Economy: The Importance of Incentives, Information, and Globalization

Serguey Khovansky

Mount Saint Mary College, NY Effects of Expected Utility Maximization on Composition and Pricing of Financial Derivatives

Ken-Shih Lin

Fannie Mae Essays on Asset Allocation and Option Returns

Fangzhou (Carrie) Na

Fannie Mae Derivative Pricing and Portfolio Choice under Flexible Non-Linear Return Dynamics

Esen Onur

Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California-Davis The Role of Asymmetric Information Among Investors in the Foreign Exchange Market

Ganesh Seshan

Georgetown School of Foreign Service Assessing the Distributional Impact of Trade Liberalization in a Developing Country

Ki Eun Shim

SK Research Institute for SUPEX Management Border Effects and FDI: Can FDI Explain the Border Puzzle?
Initial Placement Thesis Title

William Craighead

Miami University of Ohio Real Rigidities and Exchange Rate Dynamics

Christina Rennhoff

St. Joseph's University, MO Employee Choice of Health Plan and Consumption of Health Care under Employer-Provided Plans

Loren Smith

US Federal Trade Commission A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Demand for New and Used Commercial Aircraft

Sangwon Suh

Bank of Korea-Inst. for Monetary and Economic Res. Orthogonal Polynomials in Pricing Options by the PDE and Martingale Approaches

Steve Trost

US International Trade Commission Issues in Corporate Philanthropy

Ken Wilbur

University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business (Marketing Department) Not All Eyeballs are Created Equal: A Structural Equilibrium Model of Television Advertisers, Networks, and Viewers

Yutaka Yoshino

World Bank Testing Pollution Havens Inside and Outside Regional Trading Blocs
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Craig Edwards

State Street Global Advisors Option Pricing with Continuous-time Markov Chain Regime Switching

Beth Freeborn

College of William and Mary, VA An Equilibrium Search Model of the Retail Cocaine Market and Drug Law Enforcement

Hyejoon Im

POSCO Research Institute, Seoul, Korea Trading Blocs and Foreign Direct Investment: Theory and Empirics

Sadayuki Ono

University of York, UK Essays on the Term Structure of Interest Rates and the Pricing of Equity Options

Paul Sullivan

University of Michigan (post-doc) A Dynamic Analysis of Educational, Occupational, and Inter-firm Mobility Decisions

Haimanot Teferra

International Monetary Fund Essays in Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth
Initial Placement Thesis Title

David Arseneau

Board of Governors, Federal Reserve The Time Consistency Problem of Monetary Policy in the Open Economy: Theory and Evidence

Jessica S. Howell

California State University at Sacramento A Structural Equilibrium Model of the Market for Higher Education: Assessing the Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action

Yun-Kwong Kwok

Deakin University (Australia) Essays on Global Factor Trade and New Open Economy Macroeconomics

Kara Olson

American University, DC The Consequences of U.S. Antidumping Laws

Julia Rongying Qiu

Citigroup Corp. Put Warrants: How They Hare are Valued and How They Affect Managerial Incentives

Adam Rennhoff

Drexel University, PA A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Slotting Allowances in the Grocery Industry
Initial Placement Thesis Title

David Byrne

Federal Reserve Board An Empirical Equilibrium Search-Matching Model of Unemployment

Jason Fink

James Madison University, VA Essays on Option Hedging and Estimation When Volatility is Stochastic

Kristin Adams Fink

James Madison University, VA Regime-Switching in the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Michelle Goeree

Universiteit van Amsterdam Informative Advertising and the US Personal Computer Market: A Structural Empirical Examination

Yong Joe

Fannie Mae Market Liquidity and Volatility Forecasting

Ben Keen

Texas Tech University A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of the Liquidity Effect

Andre Kurmann

University of Quebec-Montreal New Keynesian Price and Cost Dynamics: Theory and Evidence

Richard Ruble

Michigan State University Imperfect Competition between Buyers and Sellers

John Turner

University of Georgia The Patent Renaissance

Yanchun Zhang

San Francisco State University Essays on Current Account Dynamics
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Joe Attia

Econ One, Inc. Financial and Economic Performance of Private Firms: The Case of Egypt

Hua Fang

Lukens Consulting Group, Inc. Jumps with Stochastic Rate: An Alternative Option Pricing Model

Ben Keen

Washington & Lee University, VA A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of the Liquidity Effect

Brian McManus

Olin Business School, Washington University of St. Louis Nonlinear Pricing in an Oligopoly Market: The Case of Specialty Coffee

Neil Seftor

Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Private Schools and the Market for Education: An Analysis of Objectives, Equilibria, and Responses to Government Policies

Michelle Sheran

University of North Carolina-Greensboro The Career and Family Choices of Women: a Dynamic Analysis of Labor Force Participation, Schooling, Marriage, and Fertility Decisions
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Spencer Graf

Charles River Associates Research and Development Competition and the Persistence of Market Power: Theory and Evidence from the Chemical Industry

Monica Hartmann

University of St. Thomas An Examination of Airline Safety in a Structural Model of the Airline Industry

Dan Jubinski

College of William & Mary, VA Equity Trading Volume and Volatility: An Investigation of fractional Integration and Cointegration

Ellen Merry

Federal Reserve The Effect of the Mortgage Interest Deduction on Mortgage Debt and Housing Demand

James Weston

Rice University, TX Essays in Empirical Market Microstructure
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Thorsten Beck

Young Professionals Program, World Bank Essays in International Trade and Financial Development

Larry Kochard

University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce Option Pricing and Higher Order Moments of the Risk-Neutral Probability Density Function

Steve Lange

Fannie Mae Essays on Volatility and Comovement

Yu-Li Wang

National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan What Moves the Exchange Rate before a Monetary Union?
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Jose Canals-Cerda

University of Colorado-Boulder Equilibrium Models of the Labor Market: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation.

C. Monica Capra

University of Arkansas Noisy Expectation Formation in One-Shot Games

Laura L. Clauser

U.S. Department of the Treasury A Dynamic, General Equilibrium Analysis of Flood Insurance, Floodplain Development, and Sea Level Rise

Kevin H. McIntyre

Regional Financial Associates, Inc. Three Essays in International Business Cycles

Jorge A. Raygoza

Universidad Iberoamericana The Distribution of Benefits of Site-and-Services Programs in Developing Countries: Does Mexico's National Solidarity Program Have an Urban Bias

Julia K. Thomas

Carnegie Mellon University, PA Nonconvexities, Discrete Individual Choices and the Business Cycle
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Tim R. Adam

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Dynamic Corporate Risk Management

Erik Benrud

University of Baltimore A Model of the Market for Economic Forecasts

Mikel R. Ham

Economic Analysis Corp. Rental-Car Service Tenure and Downstream Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry

Fredrick M. Holt

U.S. Census Bureau The Family's Decision to Migrate: A Dynamic Analysis

Allison M. Ivory

Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress The Effect of the 1986 Tax Reform Act on Labor Supply and Tax Payer Compliance

Fidel Perez-Sebastian

Public University of Navarra, Spain Invention and Use: Two Models of Technology Adoption
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Robert T. Burrus

Kenyon College, OH Demand Abatement, Supply Reduction and Legalization: A Theoretical Analysis of Drug Policy

Anthony W. Cheng

U.S. Social Security Administration Estimating the Market Value of Deposit Insurance for Savings and Loans

Eric P. Eller

UNC-Greensboro Tariff Barriers, Liberalization, and Economic Growth

Jeffrey R. Havsy

Chicago Board of Trade A Model of Improved Option Pricing Through Theoretical Volatility Determination

Neeta Sinha

Bristol, Myers, and Squibb Estimation of the Effects of Alternate Food Subsidies on Nutrition Levels

Todd R. Stinebrickner

University of Michigan (Post-doc) A Dynamic, Discrete Choice Model of Teacher Attrition

Christopher A. Swann

University of Michigan (Post-doc) A Dynamic Analysis of Marriage, Labor Force Participation, and Participation in the AFDC Program

Alexander R. Wolman

Federal Reserve, Richmond, VA Four Essays on Monetary Economics
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Lisa R. Anderson

American University Information Cascades

Peter M. Bearse

University of Tennessee Essays on the Economics of Crime

Michelle L. Canfield

College of William & Mary, VA Speculative Attacks and a Balance of Payments Crisis: An Optimizing Approach

Jessica B. Horowitz

Putnam, Hayes, & Bartlett, Inc. Are Team Owners in the National Football League Profit Maximizers?

Thomas D. Jeitschko

Texas A&M University The Role of Information in Sequential Auctions

Gladys C. Lopez

ITAM (Mexico) Equilibrium Behavior in Posted Price Markets

Maria A. Mabry

University of North Carolina-Asheville The Effects of State Incentives to Business on Location and Factor Usage

Roger R. Rodriguez

J.W. Wilson Consulting, Washington, D.C. The Buying Option for Electric Utilities: New Regulatory Policies in Electricity Generation

Benjamin P. Scafidi

NYU Law School Neighborhood, Housing and School Choice
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Amy D. Crews

Syracuse University Self-Selection and Administrative Selection in the Estimation of the Effects of In-Kind Transfers

Dirk W. Early

Southwestern College, CA Causes of Homelessness: An Empirical Analysis Using Choice-Based Sampling

John R. Elder

Bryant College, RI The Effects of Monetary Policy Uncertainty: A Heteroskedastic Vector Autoregression Analysis

Thomas Kinnaman

Bucknell University, PA Three Essays on the Economics of Household Solid Waste Disposal and the Effect of Unit-Based Pricing

Richard McGrath

College of William & Mary, VA Saving Differences Among Generations or Over Time? An Investigation of the Saving Slowdown of the 1980s

Catherine O'Connor

Ohio State University Early-Out Incentives: A Case Study of the U.S. Army's VSI/SSB Programs

Debra M. Patterson

Trinity University, TX General Equilibrium Models of Eastern European Transition
Initial Placement Thesis Title

David Chesser

University of Missouri at Columbia An Empirical Analysis of the Implications of the Sticky- and Flexible-Price Assumptions

Andrew J. Holliday

Washington & Lee University, VA The Measurement of Antitrust Enforcement

Charles F. Kramer

International Monetary Fund Macroeconomic Uncertainty And Asset Markets: Perspectives On The Size And January Anomalies

R. David Mullin

Marietta College, OH Enhancing Taxpayer Compliance: Experimental Evidence on Alternative Policies

Debbie Mullin

Marietta College, OH The Porous Umbrella of the AFL: Evidence from Late Nineteenth-Century State Labor Bureau Reports on the Growth of American Unions

Zhenhui Xu

College of William & Mary, VA The Chinese Economy in the 1980s

Daniel Zabinski

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research The Inefficiency of the Tax Preference for Employer-Provided Health Insurance
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Gregory Hopper

Philadelphia Federal Reserve Three Essays in International Finance

Regis Renault

Univ. of Cergy-Pontoise (France) Strategic Behavior in Long Term Relationships
Initial Placement Thesis Title

Eric Engen

UCLA Precautionary Saving, Consumption, and Taxation in a Life-Cycle Model with Stochastic Earnings and Mortality Risk

Derek Neal

University of Chicago Sources of Inter-Industry Wage Differentials

Michael Palumbo

University of Houston Health Uncertainty Near the End of the Life Cycle

D. Keith Sill

Philadelphia Federal Reserve Money in the Cash-in-Advance Model: An Empirical Implementation

Mitchell Stern

University of Tennessee Estimation & Testing of the Poisson Jump-Diffusion Model for Option on Stocks

Harold York

Exxon Corporation A General Equilibrium Model of International Tax Competition