Placement History
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Associate, Analysis Group- Los Angeles | "Competition For a New Automobile Technology and Impact of Station Build-out" |
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor- Gatton College of Business and Economics, Department of Finance and Quantitative Methods, University of Kentucky | Essays on Property Rights Institutions and Financial Inclusion |
Senior Researcher, Microsoft, Office of the Chief Economist | Music Ex Machina: How Spotify's Recommendations Affect Music Production |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office | Essays on Economics of Postdoctoral Education |
Tenure-Track AP Iowa State University | Bargaining for Exclusive Rights in Two-Sided Markets: The Case of the NFL and Broadcast channels |
Tenure-Track AP- College of Business, University of Texas at Arlington | Three Essays on Development Economics |
Economist at ISO New England | Essays on Environmental Economics of Land Use |
Lecturer- Department of Economics at James Madison University | Corruption Incentives, and Deterrence in Common Pool Resource Scenarios: An Experimental Approach |
James Madison University - Assistant Professor | How People Borro: Properties and Interactions of Financial Instruments |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow ---European Research University | Leverage Cycle Over the Life Cycle: A Quantitative Analysis of Endogenous Leverage and Policy Implications |
Economist, Bank of Korea | Labor Market Implications of Technological Change |
Tenure-Track - - Denison University (Columbus, OH) | Applications of Corporate and Theoretical Finance to Questions in Macroeconomics |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Consultant - NERA Economic Consulting | An Empirical Analysis of a Two-Sided, Ad-Financed Media Platform with Targeted Advertising |
Economist - International Monetary Fund | Essays on Financial Macroeconomics |
Assistant Professor - JMU | The Effects of Liquidity, Information, and Beliefs in Experimental Asset Markets |
Postdoctoral Associate - New York University at Abu Dhabi, Consultant-- World Bank | |
Lecturer - University of Bristol | Essays on the Distribution of Gains from International Trade |
Economist - Bates White Economic Consulting | Essays on the Trade War, Processing Trade and Global Value Chains |
Postdoctoral Fellow - University of Texas, Austin | |
Assistant Professor- Hamilton College | Monetary and Fiscal Policy and Debt Structure in Small Open Economies |
Economist - International Monetary Fund | |
Quantitative Analyst Senior - Freddie Mac | Essays on Pharmaceutical Pricing and Physician Incentives |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Economist, Bank Indonesia | Essays on Foreign Exchange Intervention |
Policy Associate, SPHERE Institute | Essays on Development Economics |
Clinical Assistant Professor, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina | Macro Labor Dynamics: Aggregation and Insurance |
Quantitative Analyst, Freddie Mac | Deadly Politics: Political Connections, Intergovernmental Transfers, and Mortality |
Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas, Sam M. Walton College of Business | Essays on Development & Education Economics |
Economist, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade | Essays on the Life-cycle Choices |
Economist, Department of Justice | Supply and Demand Influences on Teacher Qualifications |
Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee | Gender Discrimination in the Gig Economy |
Economist, International Monetary Fund | Essays on Fiscal Policy and Sovereign Default |
Economist, Bank of Korea | Heterogeneity of Young and Old Individuals: Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Implications |
Senior Economist, Bank of Canada | High-Cost Consumer Credit |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University | Essays on the Socioeconomic Impact of Migration |
Senior Economist, Center for Economics, U.S. Government Accountability Office | The Economic Consequences of Hurricanes |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia | Bid Manipulation in Open Procurement Auctions |
Postdoctoral Fellow, California Policy Lab, UC Berkeley | Addressing Racial Disparities in the Classroom and the Courtroom |
Assistant Professor, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia | Competition and Attrition in Drug Development |
Economist, Bank of Korea | Essays in Household Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University | Tax-evading Politicians, Public Goods Provision and Public Health |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD) | Essays on Gender Inequality and Human Capital Formation |
Assistant Professor, University of Richmond | The Economics of Women's Health Risks |
Assistant Professor, University at Albany (SUNY) | Essays on Firms' Foreign Direct Investment Decisions |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Assistant Professor, Tulane University | Competing Campuses: An Equilibrium Model of the U.S. Higher Education Market |
Economist, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey | Essays on Bailouts |
Economist, Development Economics Research Group (DECRG), World Bank | Trade, Internal Migration, and Human Capital: Who Gains from India’s IT Boom? |
Economist; US Department of Justice, Economic Analysis Group | Bargaining in the Supply Chain |
Young Fellow, World Bank Program in Forced Displacement | Essays on Road Infrastructure, Market Integration, and Development |
Research Economist, Central Bank of Paraguay | Consumer Bankruptcy and Labor Market Policies |
Economist, Central Bank of Mexico | The Macroeconomic Consequences of Illegal Behavior |
Economist, Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Economics | Essays on Health Policy |
Assistant Professor, Estonian Business School | Rural Perspectives in a Global Economy |
Economist, Amazon | Entry Decisions and Incumbents' Responses: Evidence from the Outpatient Surgery Market |
Researcher, Oxford Martin Programme on Technological & Economic Change, University of Oxford | Essays on Labor and Health Economics: The Effect of Amazon Warehouses on Employment and Housing and the Effect of Managed Care for Long-Term Care |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Tax Transfer Pricing Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Three Essays on Retirement Policy |
Assistant Professor, James Madison University | Essays on Firm Learning and Trade Dynamics |
Research Scientist, Facebook | Essays on Globalization and Labor Markets |
Economic Researcher, American Institutes for Research | Multi-Dimensional Abilities, Task Content of Occupations and Career Choices: A Dynamic Analysis |
Postdoc, University of Mannheim | Transparency and Search Markets |
Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia Graduate School of Business | State Competition in the Market for Firms |
Economist, Federal Trade Commission in the Bureau of Economics | Financial Incentives for Low-Income College Students: Effects on College Choice and Early-Career Decisions |
Associate, Analysis Group | Essays on the Logistics of International Trade |
Assistant Professor, Auburn University | Entrant Demographics, Option Value of Delay, and Business Cycles |
Quantitative Modeler, US Bank | Essays on Agency Costs of Financial Intermediation |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Assistant Professor, Boğaziçi University | "Party Formation in Parliamentary Democracies" |
Economist with Fannie Mae | "Essays on Macroeconomics and Labor Markets" |
Senior Economist, Bank of Lithuania | "Essays on the Great Recession and the Austerity Period" |
Assistant Professor, Tulane University | "The Tax Treatment of Marriage and its Impact on Family Formation and Labor Supply" |
Assistant Professor, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University | "There’s an App (Update) for That: A Structural Model of Product Updating under Digitization" |
Associate, Analysis Group, Inc. | "Essays on International Capital Flows " |
Assistant Professor, Saint Michael's College | "Endogenous Network Formation: Theory and Application" |
Assistant Professor, U.S. Military Academy, West Point | Contract Theory in Complex Environments: Theory and Evidence on Effective Teacher Performance Incentives" |
Assistant Professor, Boğaziçi University | "The Effect of Volatility on the Labor Market" |
Associate Analyst, Congressional Budget Office | “Asset Pricing in a Production Economy” |
Associate with Cornerstone Research | "Market Structure and Product Pricing Dynamics: Evidence from the U.S. Brewing Industry" |
Economist, Welch Consulting | "Essays on the Labor Market Effects of Globalization" |
Assistant Professor, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business | "Essays on Great Recession and Financial Interconnection" |
Assistant Professor, Wayne State University | "Essays on Income Inequality and Structural Transformation" |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute (KDI) | Essays in Open Macroeconomics and Exchange Rates |
Assistant Professor, Koç University | The Impact of High-Skilled Immigrants on the Career Outcomes of Natives |
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Macroeconomics, University of Kent | Essays in Macroeconomics |
Quantitative Analyst Senior, PNC Bank | Happy Together or Home Alone: A Structural Model of the Role of Health Insurance in Household Joint Retirement |
Associate, Cornerstone Research | Hospital Infant Formula Discharge Packages: A Blessing Or A Curse? |
Economist, Microsoft Corporation | Productivity, Model Uncertainty, Home Production, and the New Home Sales Price in the U.S. |
Senior Researcher, Health Care Cost Institute | Essays on the Effects of Health Insurer and Health Care Provider Organization on Patient Treatments |
Research Director, Crime Lab New York (UChicago Urban Labs) | The Effects of High School Career and Technical Education for Non-College Bound Students |
Research Economist, RTI (Research Triangle Institute) International | Essays on Private Health Insurance in Public Programs |
Lecturer (Assistant Professor), University of Queensland | Production Networks and Aggregate Fluctuations: Evidence, Theory, and Policy |
Assistant Professor, Southern Methodist University | Essays on Consumer Credit Markets and Debtor Protections |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Assistant Professor, Bucknell University | Information Asymmetry and Expectations About Returns |
Senior, Ernst & Young LLP | Essays on Income Taxation |
Economist, Moody's Analytics | Too Much Information: Health Insurance Choice and the Affordable Care Act |
Associate Analyst, Congressional Budget Office | Essays on the Production of Primary Health Care |
Assistant Professor, Institute of Urban Development, Nanjing Audit University | Essays on Sustainability and Poverty |
Economist, World Bank | Essays on International Portfolio Choice |
Economist, New York City Independent Budget Office | The Effects of Sales Tax on Retailers' Employment and Prices: Evidence from Tax Exemptions |
Clinical Assistant Professor, Arizona State University | Essays on International Economics |
Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong | Catching Exclusive Eyeballs: Multi-Homing and Platform Competition in the Magazine Industry |
Economist, Amazon | Swiftboating: Misleading Advertising in Presidential Elections |
Research Associate, IMPAQ International | Essays on Household Consumption and Spending Behavior |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Associate, The Analysis Group | High Today vs Lows Tomorrow: Substance Use, Education, and Employment Choices of Young Men |
Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University | Fighting for Education: Financial Aid and Non-traditional Students |
Research Economist, Central Bank of Peru | Essays in International Economics |
Assistant Professor, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing | Asset Pricing, Monetary Policies, and the Zero Lower Bound |
Social Scientist, Giant Oak | Essays in Economics |
Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas | Exposure to International Crises: Trade vs Financial Contagion |
Research Associate, Moody's Analytics | Optimal Government Debt with Consumer Bankruptcy |
Economist, Bates White Economic Consulting | Essays in International Trade |
Economist, Mathematica | MOOCs as a Massive Research Laboratory |
Economist, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress | Essays on Taxation, Formal Sector Work, and Social Insurance in Mexico |
Assistant Professor, U.S. Military Academy, West Point | Essays on the Economics of Education |
Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University, China | Dispersed Information, Excess Volatility, and Business Cycles |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Assistant Professor, ADA University, Baku, Azerbaijan | Worker Selection, Hiring, and Vacancies |
Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky | Essays in International Economics |
Economist, Social, Economic, and Housing Statistics, Division, U.S. Census Bureau | Spousal Labor Supply and Unemployment: Estimates from a Household Search Model |
Research Economist, Development Prospects Group, The World Bank | Essays on Macro-Financial Linkages and Monetary Policy |
Assistant Professor, University of South Florida | A Structural Model of Advertising Signaling and Social Learning: The Case of the Motion Picture Industry |
Assistant Professor, Centre College, KY | Three Essays on Teacher Labor Markets |
Assistant Professor, Penn State University | Advertising in Vertical Relationships: An Equilibrium Model of the Automobile Industry |
Assistant Professor, TOBB-University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey | Essays on Institutional Frictions and Misallocation |
Economist, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey | Policy Impacts of Early Labor Market Outcomes |
Research Agricultural Economist, Economic Research Service, USDA | Altruism (?) in the Presence of Costly Voting: A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Research Economist, Federal Housing Finance Agency | Targeted Advertising in the Information Age |
Assistant Professor, Florida State University | Should My Car Move or Should We? An Intra-Household Model of Residential Commuting Choices |
Assistant Professor, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad | Three Empirical Essays on Development Economics in India |
Consultant, Antitrust and Intellectual Property, NERA | Cigarette Taxes, Smoking Bans, and Smoking Behavior |
Analyst, Congressional Budget Office | Inflation, Default, and the Currency Composition of Foreign Debt |
Economist, Federal Housing Finance Agency | Three Essays on Structural Macroeconomics |
Associate, The Analysis Group | Three Essays on Health Insurance |
Senior Policy Associate, Acumen | Marriage Markets, Timing of First Marriage, and Child Outcomes |
Associate, The Analysis Group | Voluntary Contribution Behavior in Social Giving Environments: Experiments in the Lab and Field |
Antitrust Attorney, Federal Trade Commission | An Experimental Study of Settlement Delay in Pre-trial Bargaining with Asymmetric Information |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Economist, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress | Do Higher Order Approximations Help Identify Structural Parameters? |
The World Bank | Export Prices and Market Access of Exporting Countries: Theories and Evidence |
Senior Analytical Consultant, SAS Institute | Financial Deregulation and the Great Moderation |
Digonex | Consumer Overconfidence and the Choice of Cell Phone Plans |
American Institutes for Research (AIR) | Community Colleges and Educational Attainment: The Impact of Financial Aid and College Quality |
Cheong Kong Graduate School of Business, Beijing, China | Essays in Labor and Development Economics |
Economist, Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress | The Role of Transportation Costs in Trade and Wages |
Virginia Retirement System | Essays on Global Asset Allocation |
Assistant Professor, School of International Trade and Economics (SITE), University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing,China | Organizational Boundaries, Transfer Prices and Export Prices of International Firms: Theories and Firm-Level Evidence |
National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Royal Thai Government | Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics |
Senior Data Analyst, Capital One | Disability Insurance in General Equilibrium |
Department of Finance, City of New York | Productivity and Labor Market Effects of Offshoring to Low-Wage Countries |
Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University (SUNY) | Bayesian Estimation of a Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Pricing and Entry in Two-Sided Markets: Application to Video Games |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Economist, Federal Housing Finance Agency | For the Love of Shrink Wrap: A Structural Empirical Analysis of Bundling in the College Textbook Market |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Middlebury College, VT | Essays on U.S. Trade Preference Programs |
Assistant Professor, Indiana University at South Bend | U.S. and Domestic Migration Decisions of Mexican Workers |
Bank of America | A Structural Equilibrium Model of Airline Dynamic Pricing Under Fixed Capacity |
Visiting Instructor of Economics, University of Richmond, VA | Estimating the Impact of Investment Tax Credits on Aircraft Demand |
Assistant Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden | Three Essays on Insurance Markets |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Associate Professor, National University of Mongolia | Implications of Rational Inattention for Labor Supply and Portfolio Choice |
Deloitte | Three Essays on Corporate Taxation and Aggregation Under Firm Heterogeneity |
Visiting Professor, Schools of Business, Wake Forest University, NC | A Structural Model of Obstetrician Location and Treatment Decisions |
Federal Housing Finance Agency, Risk Analysis and Research Group | Mortgage Pricing, Multiple Risk Factors, and the Mortgage Default Option |
Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) | Essays on Limited Asset Market Participation Model |
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand (post-doc) | |
Assistant Professor of Economics, Drew University, NJ | Adjusting the Volume: Essays on Asset Trading Volume |
Cambridge University, Judge Business School, CFAP (post-doc) | Essays on Unsecured Credit Markets |
Fannie Mae | Reputation and Entry Deterrence: A Structural Empirical Model of Fighting Brands in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Market |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Federal Trade Commission | Non-Wage Job Characteristics and the Case of the Missing Margin |
Federal Reserve Bank | Three Essays on the Political Economy of Progressive Income Taxation |
Post-doctoral Fellow, National University of Singapore, Department of Economics | A Structural Learning Model of Retail Product Select with Information Spillovers |
Research Scientist, National Center for Education Statistics | Essays on the Economics of Education |
Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad | Institutions and Incentives in Developing Countries |
Assistant Professor, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University | Empirical Models of Advertising Content |
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) | Essays on Household Finance and Macroeconomy |
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Macau University,Taipa, Macau | Three Essays on Incomplete Information in Macroeconomics |
Center for Economic Studies, US Census Bureau | A Dynamic Structural Model of Contraceptive Use and Employment Sector Choice For Women in Indonesia |
Federal Reserve Board | Asset Returns and Executive Compensation Under Earnings Management |
Assistant Professor, Kyiv School of Economic | Empirical Tests of Option Pricing Model |
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia | Excess Capacity, Exclusionary Behavior, and Welfare: A Dynamic Model of Competition in the Airline Industry |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
NERA - National Economic Research Associates, Madrid | Three Essays on the Economic Incentives of Law and Contracts |
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of New South Wales, Australian School of Business, Center for Energy & Environmental Markets | Essays on Learning and Utility in Two Experiments |
Post-doctoral Fellow, Stanford University, Institute for Economic Policy Research | Early Start: The Economics of Early Childhood Education |
Institute of Developing Economies, Japan | Essays on International Risk Sharing and Consumption Fluctuations in Developing Countries |
University of Virginia, Weldon-Cooper Center | Essays on the Agricultural Household Model and Applied Econometrics |
Assistant Professor of Economics, James Madison University, VA | An Experimental Study of Exclusive Contracts |
PriceWaterhouseCoopers | Esays on Dynamic Macroeconomics |
Assistant Professor of Economics, Iowa State University | A Bad Peace or a Good War: A Structural Estimation Model of Spousal Conflict and Divorce |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Korea Energy Economic Institute (KEEI) | Understanding the Effects of Stochastic Fiscal Policy Shocks on Business Cycle Fluctuations |
CNA Corporation | A Structural Model of the Effects of Housing Vouchers on Housing Consumption and Labor Supply |
Assistant Professor, College of Business, University of Louisville, KY | A Dynamic Empirical Model of Patient Learning and Experimentation Using Clinical Trial Data |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Essays on International Trade and Human Capital |
University of Oklahoma | Market Power in the Media: A Structural Empirical Analysis of the Radio Broadcasting Industry, 1998-2003 |
University of Utah | Is the Best Offense a Good Defense? Theory and Evidence of Trade-Induced Defensive Innovation in Developing Countries |
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales | Essays on Wages and Wage Inequality Over the Business Cycle |
HEC Montreal, Institute of Applied Economics | Observational Learning in the Motion Picture Market |
Rhodes College, TN | Welfare (to School?) to Work: How Welfare Reform Affects Collegiate Attainment |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
California State University, Fullerton | The Effects of Insurers' Hospital Choice Restrictions on the Demand for Health Care |
Koc University, Turkey | Essays on Trade Policy and Labor Mobility |
US Federal Trade Commission | A Structural Model of Health Insurance Choice and Health Care Demand in the Medicare Managed Care Program |
George Washington University | An Equilibrium Search Model for Buyers and Sellers and an Empirical Application for the Real Estate Market |
CERGE-EI | Essays on the Economics of Informative Advertising with Applications to the Television Industry |
University of Colorado at Boulder | Essays on Macroeconomic Policies and Stabilization |
Samsung Economic Research Institute | Essays on Exchange Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy |
Center for Health Economic and Policy Studies, Medical University of South Carolina | Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Welfare: A Structural Model of Consumers and Firms in the Market for Prescription Drugs |
Central Bank of Turkey | Essays on International Trade and Political Economy: The Importance of Incentives, Information, and Globalization |
Mount Saint Mary College, NY | Effects of Expected Utility Maximization on Composition and Pricing of Financial Derivatives |
Fannie Mae | Essays on Asset Allocation and Option Returns |
Fannie Mae | Derivative Pricing and Portfolio Choice under Flexible Non-Linear Return Dynamics |
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of California-Davis | The Role of Asymmetric Information Among Investors in the Foreign Exchange Market |
Georgetown School of Foreign Service | Assessing the Distributional Impact of Trade Liberalization in a Developing Country |
SK Research Institute for SUPEX Management | Border Effects and FDI: Can FDI Explain the Border Puzzle? |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Miami University of Ohio | Real Rigidities and Exchange Rate Dynamics |
St. Joseph's University, MO | Employee Choice of Health Plan and Consumption of Health Care under Employer-Provided Plans |
US Federal Trade Commission | A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of Demand for New and Used Commercial Aircraft |
Bank of Korea-Inst. for Monetary and Economic Res. | Orthogonal Polynomials in Pricing Options by the PDE and Martingale Approaches |
US International Trade Commission | Issues in Corporate Philanthropy |
University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business (Marketing Department) | Not All Eyeballs are Created Equal: A Structural Equilibrium Model of Television Advertisers, Networks, and Viewers |
World Bank | Testing Pollution Havens Inside and Outside Regional Trading Blocs |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
State Street Global Advisors | Option Pricing with Continuous-time Markov Chain Regime Switching |
College of William and Mary, VA | An Equilibrium Search Model of the Retail Cocaine Market and Drug Law Enforcement |
POSCO Research Institute, Seoul, Korea | Trading Blocs and Foreign Direct Investment: Theory and Empirics |
University of York, UK | Essays on the Term Structure of Interest Rates and the Pricing of Equity Options |
University of Michigan (post-doc) | A Dynamic Analysis of Educational, Occupational, and Inter-firm Mobility Decisions |
International Monetary Fund | Essays in Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Board of Governors, Federal Reserve | The Time Consistency Problem of Monetary Policy in the Open Economy: Theory and Evidence |
California State University at Sacramento | A Structural Equilibrium Model of the Market for Higher Education: Assessing the Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action |
Deakin University (Australia) | Essays on Global Factor Trade and New Open Economy Macroeconomics |
American University, DC | The Consequences of U.S. Antidumping Laws |
Citigroup Corp. | Put Warrants: How They Hare are Valued and How They Affect Managerial Incentives |
Drexel University, PA | A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Slotting Allowances in the Grocery Industry |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Federal Reserve Board | An Empirical Equilibrium Search-Matching Model of Unemployment |
James Madison University, VA | Essays on Option Hedging and Estimation When Volatility is Stochastic |
James Madison University, VA | Regime-Switching in the Term Structure of Interest Rates |
Universiteit van Amsterdam | Informative Advertising and the US Personal Computer Market: A Structural Empirical Examination |
Fannie Mae | Market Liquidity and Volatility Forecasting |
Texas Tech University | A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of the Liquidity Effect |
University of Quebec-Montreal | New Keynesian Price and Cost Dynamics: Theory and Evidence |
Michigan State University | Imperfect Competition between Buyers and Sellers |
University of Georgia | The Patent Renaissance |
San Francisco State University | Essays on Current Account Dynamics |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Econ One, Inc. | Financial and Economic Performance of Private Firms: The Case of Egypt |
Lukens Consulting Group, Inc. | Jumps with Stochastic Rate: An Alternative Option Pricing Model |
Washington & Lee University, VA | A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of the Liquidity Effect |
Olin Business School, Washington University of St. Louis | Nonlinear Pricing in an Oligopoly Market: The Case of Specialty Coffee |
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. | Private Schools and the Market for Education: An Analysis of Objectives, Equilibria, and Responses to Government Policies |
University of North Carolina-Greensboro | The Career and Family Choices of Women: a Dynamic Analysis of Labor Force Participation, Schooling, Marriage, and Fertility Decisions |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Charles River Associates | Research and Development Competition and the Persistence of Market Power: Theory and Evidence from the Chemical Industry |
University of St. Thomas | An Examination of Airline Safety in a Structural Model of the Airline Industry |
College of William & Mary, VA | Equity Trading Volume and Volatility: An Investigation of fractional Integration and Cointegration |
Federal Reserve | The Effect of the Mortgage Interest Deduction on Mortgage Debt and Housing Demand |
Rice University, TX | Essays in Empirical Market Microstructure |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Young Professionals Program, World Bank | Essays in International Trade and Financial Development |
University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce | Option Pricing and Higher Order Moments of the Risk-Neutral Probability Density Function |
Fannie Mae | Essays on Volatility and Comovement |
National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan | What Moves the Exchange Rate before a Monetary Union? |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
University of Colorado-Boulder | Equilibrium Models of the Labor Market: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. |
University of Arkansas | Noisy Expectation Formation in One-Shot Games |
U.S. Department of the Treasury | A Dynamic, General Equilibrium Analysis of Flood Insurance, Floodplain Development, and Sea Level Rise |
Regional Financial Associates, Inc. | Three Essays in International Business Cycles |
Universidad Iberoamericana | The Distribution of Benefits of Site-and-Services Programs in Developing Countries: Does Mexico's National Solidarity Program Have an Urban Bias |
Carnegie Mellon University, PA | Nonconvexities, Discrete Individual Choices and the Business Cycle |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology | Dynamic Corporate Risk Management |
University of Baltimore | A Model of the Market for Economic Forecasts |
Economic Analysis Corp. | Rental-Car Service Tenure and Downstream Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry |
U.S. Census Bureau | The Family's Decision to Migrate: A Dynamic Analysis |
Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress | The Effect of the 1986 Tax Reform Act on Labor Supply and Tax Payer Compliance |
Public University of Navarra, Spain | Invention and Use: Two Models of Technology Adoption |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Kenyon College, OH | Demand Abatement, Supply Reduction and Legalization: A Theoretical Analysis of Drug Policy |
U.S. Social Security Administration | Estimating the Market Value of Deposit Insurance for Savings and Loans |
UNC-Greensboro | Tariff Barriers, Liberalization, and Economic Growth |
Chicago Board of Trade | A Model of Improved Option Pricing Through Theoretical Volatility Determination |
Bristol, Myers, and Squibb | Estimation of the Effects of Alternate Food Subsidies on Nutrition Levels |
University of Michigan (Post-doc) | A Dynamic, Discrete Choice Model of Teacher Attrition |
University of Michigan (Post-doc) | A Dynamic Analysis of Marriage, Labor Force Participation, and Participation in the AFDC Program |
Federal Reserve, Richmond, VA | Four Essays on Monetary Economics |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
American University | Information Cascades |
University of Tennessee | Essays on the Economics of Crime |
College of William & Mary, VA | Speculative Attacks and a Balance of Payments Crisis: An Optimizing Approach |
Putnam, Hayes, & Bartlett, Inc. | Are Team Owners in the National Football League Profit Maximizers? |
Texas A&M University | The Role of Information in Sequential Auctions |
ITAM (Mexico) | Equilibrium Behavior in Posted Price Markets |
University of North Carolina-Asheville | The Effects of State Incentives to Business on Location and Factor Usage |
J.W. Wilson Consulting, Washington, D.C. | The Buying Option for Electric Utilities: New Regulatory Policies in Electricity Generation |
NYU Law School | Neighborhood, Housing and School Choice |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Syracuse University | Self-Selection and Administrative Selection in the Estimation of the Effects of In-Kind Transfers |
Southwestern College, CA | Causes of Homelessness: An Empirical Analysis Using Choice-Based Sampling |
Bryant College, RI | The Effects of Monetary Policy Uncertainty: A Heteroskedastic Vector Autoregression Analysis |
Bucknell University, PA | Three Essays on the Economics of Household Solid Waste Disposal and the Effect of Unit-Based Pricing |
College of William & Mary, VA | Saving Differences Among Generations or Over Time? An Investigation of the Saving Slowdown of the 1980s |
Ohio State University | Early-Out Incentives: A Case Study of the U.S. Army's VSI/SSB Programs |
Trinity University, TX | General Equilibrium Models of Eastern European Transition |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
University of Missouri at Columbia | An Empirical Analysis of the Implications of the Sticky- and Flexible-Price Assumptions |
Washington & Lee University, VA | The Measurement of Antitrust Enforcement |
International Monetary Fund | Macroeconomic Uncertainty And Asset Markets: Perspectives On The Size And January Anomalies |
Marietta College, OH | Enhancing Taxpayer Compliance: Experimental Evidence on Alternative Policies |
Marietta College, OH | The Porous Umbrella of the AFL: Evidence from Late Nineteenth-Century State Labor Bureau Reports on the Growth of American Unions |
College of William & Mary, VA | The Chinese Economy in the 1980s |
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research | The Inefficiency of the Tax Preference for Employer-Provided Health Insurance |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
Philadelphia Federal Reserve | Three Essays in International Finance |
Univ. of Cergy-Pontoise (France) | Strategic Behavior in Long Term Relationships |
Initial Placement | Thesis Title | |
UCLA | Precautionary Saving, Consumption, and Taxation in a Life-Cycle Model with Stochastic Earnings and Mortality Risk |
University of Chicago | Sources of Inter-Industry Wage Differentials |
University of Houston | Health Uncertainty Near the End of the Life Cycle |
Philadelphia Federal Reserve | Money in the Cash-in-Advance Model: An Empirical Implementation |
University of Tennessee | Estimation & Testing of the Poisson Jump-Diffusion Model for Option on Stocks |
Exxon Corporation | A General Equilibrium Model of International Tax Competition |