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Quick info
Length: 1 hour, approximately (Please read General Information below)
When/Where?: See Weather plans below (weather plan will be determined by the Office of Major Events, see www.virginia.edu/finals).
Tickets: Not required
See the information below for details.
General Information
We kindly ask that guests seat themselves immediately upon arrival. Certain rows will be reserved for our graduates and will be labeled accordingly; guests may sit in any unlabeled seat. Ushers will be present to assist you with seating. Please remain seated for the duration of the ceremony and refrain from taking photographs in front of the stage until after the ceremony is completed. This is for both safety reasons and to ensure that the professional photographers and department video equipment are able to capture the ceremony.
The Economics graduation ceremony usually lasts for one hour.
Students graduating at the end of Spring 2023(Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 graduates too) can attend the Economics Graduation ceremony, even if economics is their second major.
- For information on the University’s Final Exercises please visit http://majorevents.virginia.edu/finals.
Weather Plans
The locations of the University’s Final Exercises and the Economics Graduation Ceremony will depend on the weather on the day of graduation. The University has three plans: Fair Weather, Inclement Weather, and Severe Weather. The UVA Office of Major Events will decide and announce which weather plan will be used. If the inclement or severe weather plan is implemented for Final Exercises, announcements will be made through local radio stations, on the University's website (www.virginia.edu); and the Office of Major Events' website (http://majorevents.virginia.edu/finals), Twitter account (https://twitter.com/uva_events), and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/uvagrad).
The economics major is a B.A. program, and will not be printed on the diploma; B.A programs are not printed on UVA diplomas in general. The official diploma will have 'Bachelor of Arts' printed (or ‘Bachelor of Science’ if double majoring with a B.S.), and the Economics major will appear on the graduate’s transcript. See: http://college.as.virginia.edu/graduation (Note: It is not possible to switch the order of the declared majors on the transcript.)
- The official diplomas will not be awarded during any department's graduation ceremony.
- Graduates will only receive ONE diploma, even if they are double-majoring (including students with majors from different Colleges).
- A ceremonial scroll will be handed to graduates as they cross the stage.
For more information on diplomas go to the following websites: http://www.virginia.edu/registrar/diploma.html and http://college.as.virginia.edu/graduation
A professional photographer from Photo Specialties will take pictures of graduates as they cross the stage. They will contact students after the ceremony with instructions on how to order photographs. Photo Specialties is an independent contractor, not affiliated with the Department of Economics or the University of Virginia. You are not obligated to purchase these prints, but if you are interested, please contact Photo Specialties, 1-800-722-7033.
First Destination Survey
Please complete the Class of 2023 First Destination Survey on https://virginia.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7OGLzrcu4iHAuXA
The University asks all graduates to share their post-graduation plans with us through the First Destination Survey. Whether you are still considering your options, have secured employment, are planning to attend graduate school, traveling, volunteering, or taking a gap year, we want to know.
It takes 3-5 minutes to complete and provides the University with data to inform career development programs that align with fellow Hoos' golas and aspirations. The data is also essential to representing the diversity of Economics students' post-graduation plans. Data from past graduating classes is available on the UVA Career Center website.