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Kenneth Elzinga

Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics
Office Address/Hours
Monroe Hall, Room 208A / Tuesday 2:30 - 5:00pm Or by appointment
Curriculum Vitae (201.51 KB)

Fields of Interest

Antitrust economics; religion and economics


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Kalamazoo College 
Master of Arts (M.A.), Michigan State University 
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Michigan State University

Selected Publications

The Mystery of the Invisible Hand by Marshall Jevons (pseudonym). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. Paperback version published by Princeton University Press, 2016. Chinese version published by AND Publishing Ltd., 2016. Chinese Simplified version published by Beijing-Time Chinese Press, 2019.

“Craft Beer In The United States: History, Numbers, and Geography,” (w/Carol Horton Tremblay and Victor J. Tremblay), 10 Journal of Wine Economics, 242 (2015).

“The Beer Industry,” in James Brock (ed.) The Structure of American Industry 13th ed. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 2016. 

“Alfred Marshall: Why He Matters,” Number 67 Faith & Economics, 5 (2016).

“Thirteen Editions of The Structure of American Industry: An I.O. Perspective,” (w/ F.M. Scherer), 49 Review of Industrial Organization, 515 (2016).

“Louis Brandeis and Contemporary Antitrust Enforcement,” (w/ Micah Webber), 33 Touro Law Review, 277 (2017).

“Resale Price Maintenance and the Tenth Anniversary of Leegin.”  Introduction and Editor of Special Issue of the Review of Industrial Organization DOI 10.1007/s11151-017-9569-9 (2017).

“Craft Beer in the USA: Strategic Connections to Macro- and European Brewers,” (w/Carol Horton Tremblay and Victor J. Tremblay) in Christian Garavaglia and Johan Swinnen (eds.) Economic Perspectives on Craft Beer: A Revolution in the Global Beer Industry.  London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.

“Predatory Pricing in the Airline Industry: Spirit Airlines v. Northwest Airlines,” (w/ David E. Mills; revised and updated from prior edition) in John E. Kwoka and Lawrence J. White (eds.), The Antitrust Revolution 7th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.

“Geographic Market Definition in the Merger Guidelines: A Retrospective Analysis,” (w/ Vandy M. Howell) in George Hay (ed.) Special Issue of the Review of Industrial Organization 10.1007/s11151-018-9658-4 (2018).

“Towards an Economic Theory of Amateurism: The NCAA, Antitrust, and the Student-Athlete,” (w/ John P. Bigelow), in CPI Antitrust Chronicle (2020).