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Edgar Olsen

Office Address/Hours
Elson Hall, Room 182A
Curriculum Vitae (77.17 KB)
Housing Markets and Policies, Welfare Policies


Bachelor of Arts (BA), Tulane University
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Rice University

Working Papers

Are the Outcomes of Low-Income Housing Programs Consistent with their Rationales?

The Effects of U.S. Low-Income Housing Programs on Recipient Consumption and Wellbeing

Alleviating Poverty through Housing Policy Reform

The Effect of Fundamental Housing Policy Reforms on Program Participation  (.pdf) 

Report on Adjusting Poverty Thresholds for Geographic Price Differences (.pdf)

The Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Methods of Delivering Housing Subsidies (.pdf)

Getting More from Low-Income Housing Assistance (.pdf)

The Future of Public Housing (.pdf)

Promoting Homeownership among Low-Income Households

The Simple Analytics of Vouchering Out Unit-Based Housing Assistance (.pdf)

The Millennial Housing Commission Report: An Assessment

Selected Publications

“A Competitive Theory of the Housing Market,” American Economic Review, LIX (September 1969), 612-22

"An Econometric Analysis of Rent Control," Journal of Political Economy, LXXX , 1081-1100, Nov./Dec. 1972;

"The Benefits and Costs of Public Housing in New York City" (with David Barton), Journal of Public Economics, XX, 299-332, April 1983;

"The Demand and Supply of Housing Services: A Critical Survey of the Empirical Literature" in Handbook in Urban Economics, ed., Edwin S. Mills, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987;

"The Welfare Economics of Equal Access," (with Diane Lim Rogers), Journal of Public Economics, XLV, 91-105, June 1991;

“Subsidized Housing, Emergency Shelters, and Homelessness: An Empirical Investigation Using Data from the 1990 Census” (with Dirk Early), Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy, 2 (2002), 1-34;

“Housing Programs for Low-Income Households” in Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the United States, ed., Robert Moffitt, National Bureau of Economic Research (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003);

"Low-Income Housing Policy," New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, London:Macmillan, 2008;

“Fundamental Housing Policy Reforms to End Homelessness” in How to House the Homeless, ed., Ingrid Gould Ellen and Brendan O'Flaherty (New York: Russell Sage, 2010).

“Geographic Price Variation, Housing Assistance, and Poverty” (with Dirk Early) in Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty, ed., Philip N. Jefferson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012)

“The Performance and Legacy of Housing Policies” (with Jens Ludwig) in The Legacies of the War on Poverty, ed., Martha Bailey and Sheldon Danziger (New York: Russell Sage, 2013)

“U. S. Housing Policy” (with Jeff Zabel) in Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Volume 5, ed., Giles Duranton, J. Vernon Henderson, and William Strange (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2015)

“Racial Rent Differences in U.S. Housing Markets: Evidence from the Housing Voucher Program” (with Paul Carrillo and Dirk Early), Journal of Regional Science, 59(4), (September 2019), 669-700

Oped Pieces

Flying under the Radar Screen: The BBB Act’s Low-Income Housing Provisions

UVA Living Wage Q&A (.pdf)

Housing the Poorest Hurricane Victims (.pdf)

Housing the Poorest Hurricane Victims-NOW (.pdf)

Rearranging the Deck Chairs in the Housing Market (.pdf)

Improving the Housing Provisions of the Stimulus Package (.pdf)

We Don't Need More Housing Projects

Congressional Testimony

U.S. Senate Committee on the Budget September 16, 2020
Roundtable to Examine Federal Housing Assistance Programs [oral] [written]

U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development September 22, 2016
Oversight of the HUD Inspection Process [oral] [written]

U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies September 21, 2016
Housing Vulnerable Families and Individuals: Is There a Better Way? [oral] [written]

U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs March 12, 2008
Oversight of HUD and its Fiscal Year 2009 Budget [oral] [written]

U.S. House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census February 15, 2006 [oral] [written]
Living in America: Is Our Public Housing System Up to the Challenges of the 21st Century?

U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity June 17, 2003
The Section 8 Housing Assistance Program: Promoting Decent Affordable Housing for Families and Individuals Who Rent [oral] [written]

U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs November 29, 2001
Housing and Community Development Needs [oral] [written]

U.S. House Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity, Committee on Financial Services June 21, 2001
Housing Affordability and Availability [oral] [written]