By Recruitology
Following Up After Your Interview
By Recruitology
You have just completed your interview and you’re feeling relieved and accomplished. While you must be looking forward to the prospect of working for the company you have interviewed with, your work isn’t done yet!
After any interview, it’s important to remember that you weren’t the only one the employer has spoken to, so you must continue to make a good impression well after your interview is over.
Here are some helpful reminders for before your interview and what to do after you have completed your interview:
Before You End Your Interview
Going into an interview we are often nervous and focusing our energy on putting our best foot forward. There is one simple question you need to remember to ask at the conclusion of your interview. This quick inquiry of your interviewer will help you adjust your expectations and plan accordingly. “When do you expect to make a decision?” With the answer to this question, you can plan the timing of your follow up and save yourself a few stresses and worries of wondering why you have not been contacted.
Express Your Gratitude
After your interview, and once you have settled in back at the office or at home, you should take a moment and send your interviewer an email. This thank you email should be sent no later than 24 hours after your interview, the same day would be best. The email to your recruiter should be short and friendly. This is your opportunity to express your interest and excitement about the prospect of working for the company. Include a short sentence or two as to why you feel you are qualified for the position and make sure to thank the individual for their time in conducting their interview.
Follow Up Contact
If the timeline for a decision has passed and you have not yet heard from the recruiter it is acceptable to send a follow-up email or phone call asking whether there is an update available regarding the position. Do not be pushy or express frustration with this follow up contact, simply ask for an update on the position and await their response. It may be at this point you will be informed you have not been selected or the company has not yet made a final decision. Regardless of the response remain courteous and professional and thank them again for their time.