New Year Career Planning and ECO's Response to the Fall Check-in Survey

Hello Majors,
I hope you've had a chance to relax over the winter break. It's a new year with opportunities and possibilities ahead of you. Below I've curated some resources to help you launch your semester's activities, many of which were requested by our majors through our end-of-semester check-in survey. To that end, the winners of the survey drawing will be contacted this week! Thank you for sharing your experiences and ideas.

Daniel Harper Presents 2 Papers at 2021 SEA Conference

Daniel Harper, a fifth-year graduate student, presented two of his papers at the Southern Economics Association conference. The first, “Behavioral Influences on Investment and Production in Asset Markets: An Experimental Study,” co-authored with Charles Holt, investigates individual’s future price expectations and behavioral biases towards holding cash effect investment decisions.


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